Saturday, April 10, 2021

What is Bitcoin? Bitcoin is God's money DRAFT

"For the love of money is the root of all evil" 






Do you believe in money? I believe money is energy, making money is an energy exchange, wealth is energy.  I believe God is energy and Bitcoin is God's, energy's, money.

Money is proof of work and work requires energy. Bitcoin is the monetization of energy, Bitcoin is the first unbreakable people-made Law.  Bitcoin is a shield, Bitcoin is Gods' money to drive the money changers from the bank.

Debt drains energy and leads us into trouble, People created Bitcoin to save us from our troubles

Empower Bitcoin by committing to Bitcoin, supply and demand. 

21 million Bitcoins, 7.9 Billion people on the planet. Help yourself to some Bitcoin, "God helps those who help themselves." Bitcoin is like your savings account, except Bitcoin is also like winning the lotto in slow motion. Bitcoin is the roller coaster that always goes up, Bitcoin is money the government can't control. 

If you think Bitcoin is a planet-destroying pyramid scheme, just wait until you hear about the US dollar. Bitcoin is currently the 6th largest currency and soon will be number 1 

Bitcoin is going to rapidly kill all inferior money, it has overtaken the British pound and the Canadian dollar. Bitcoin's market cap is already 80% of all silver and over 10% of all Gold.

Which would you rather have in your pocket? Fiat dollars or the people's money?

Bitcoin and it's blockchain are going to change the world, you can be part of history

"Bitcoin was built to break us free from the existing system. It is the red pill. And all adopters are going to play a part in the revolution, whether they want to or not."

Please share this message about Bitcoin with your friends. Remember, Bitcoin has no top


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